It's all shameless plugging

2013-12-09 09:17:19.2

Well it looks like this could be it! I received the proof for the full cover spread (that means the front cover, back cover and spine) which I have approved and sent back to the publisher. I think this basically means the book is ready to go to print. It also means I have to start actively promoting it!

The book is already available to pre-order from sites like Amazon, WH Smith, Waterstone’s, Foyles and Play as well as on the Troubador shop. In addition to this, I have set up my own online shop (using the amazing webshop app from Datapartners Internet and this will be going live as soon as the book becomes available.

Of course selling it on my own website means I have to handle the order personally. It also means I have to buy loads of those jiffy bags. That, of course, means I have to resist the urge to pop the bubble-wrapping like the child I am.

I’ve also decided to get bookmarks printed and will be including these free with every book bought directly from my website. I thought this would be better than getting things like leaflets done because they are more relevant. Of course you might argue what the point in offering a bookmark is to someone buying a book because they almost certainly will already have one…

So, apart from making personal appearances at a couple of local bookshops to see if they are interested in supporting their local author, I need to wait until I’ve received copies of my book. Then it’s the hard slog of contacting the local media… Happy days!