2013-12-09 09:17:19.2
Although he admitted to being very disappointed that the Thunderkart race was cancelled on Tuesday, Eddie has said that he approves the decision.
"Obviously I'm very disappointed. I have been looking forward to this race all season. It was great fun last year and I think it would have been even more fun this year with all four of us racing against each other.
"To be honest, though, it was the safest thing to do. The snow where I live was pretty bad and according to the reports I heard, Kent was supposed to be even worse and there were severe weather warnings for the whole area."
An added disappointement for Eddie was missing the IMSD end of season get-together.
"Ian (Miller) had driven all the way up from Bristol when I was informed that the race had been cancelled. He decided to carry on into Kent and stayed with Ian (Wilson). The guys all decided to go round and have an end of season celebration, which I would have loved to have gone to, but the snow was just too bad around where I am and I didn't want to risk it. There were severe weather warnings and the next day I heard stories about the M20 being closed and jack-knifed lorries and general mayhem so I'm pretty glad I didn't!
"The only thing I feel pretty bad about is not being able to give the Two Ians' their championship trophies that I have been looking after for the last month. Hopefully the race will be re-scheduled soon and we can get together then!"